Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Meaning of Hijrah

In less than a day, muslims around the globe will be celebrating year 1431H. Malaysian, as usual would be busy organizing programs/events to remember and emphasize the importance of Hijrah.

Hijrah is a simple yet powerful word the really means 'wise change'. Thinking deeper, it would lead us to the meaning of total devotion to Allah, that you will find the true peace in life. No matter from which angle you see it, you would come to that truth.

May Allah bless all our deeds, and accept us as His servant on earth.

Happy Maal Hijrah 1431

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Eid Mubarak 1430H

Assalamualaikum. Eid Mubarak! Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Haji 1430H.
Semoga sejarah Pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Ismail memberi iktibar buat kita semua.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Outreach to Mabul Island, Semporna


A program organized by Alumni & Career Services Division and Community Service Unit, Student Development Division of IIUM, in collaboration with MISI and Alumni Sabah Chapter designed to serve the muslim community in Mabul Island.

A team a researchers (Alumni members, MISI students and IIUM officers) will be staying in the island for 3 days, 2 nite from 21st -23rd Nov 2009 to get as much information to prepare & craft the best da'wah approach & modules for the main program scheduled in June 2010.

Members of have useful information about Mabul Island (demographics & psychographics) profile of the people could assist by sharing the data with the Programme Coordinator adik Marhamah Rosli

Sunday, November 15, 2009

MiSi Tautan Fikrah

Telah lama aku perhati,
pada corak warna & bunyi,
tiap nada rendah & tinggi,
tiap bentuk hitam atau putih,
sudahkah kita bertemu sebati?

Ku dengar nun jauh nada bergema,
nyaring & merdu tapi tiada berirama,
cuba membentuk melodi sama,
arah tujuan dan jalan yang sama

Ku dekati jatidiri berwarna-warni,
umpama alam tampak berseri,
limpahan anugerah dari Ilahi,
bukankah kita perlu menghargai?

Dalam ruang kesefahaman
mungkin bertemu jalan perdebatan
kekadang melalui proses pergeseran
masa tetap menjadi korban

Namun, tika tiba kesempurnaan
cahayanya menyilau pandangan
nilai tinggi menjadi buruan
lambang kejayaan atas pengorbanan

Tiada insan sama bentuk kejadian
satu fikiran, satu kemahuan, satu tujuan
namun anugerah Allah di dalam berbezaan
untuk kita mencari persamaan

Hasil sajak oleh Mochtar
Deklamasi oleh Sdr Juliano sempena Pelancaran Alumni UIAM Sabah Chapter

Reaching the end of 2009

After a long break, our blog is alive again. We hope that this news will cheer you all up! Hopefully your personal life, family and work both blessed by Allah. What more can we asked?

The aura of festive seasons will be felt until the end of the year. Maybe you miss getting sms from us, and for your info, we at the moment having with system problem. The best way to communicate is via this blog or just join our forum @

Please give feedbacks/ideas to ensure that our alumni could give the best to its members. There are many programs & activities waiting to be implemented, but the most important things is that it touch our members, and keep with the ulumni's objectives.

Just keep in touch.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Eid Mubarak

Assalamualaikum. Syawal disambut, Ramdhan dikenang. InsyaAllah kita akan bertemu lagi dengan Ramadhan Mubarak, bulan yang penuh dengan pengajaran buat kita. Sempena Eidulfitri, kami ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin. Semoga kita semua mendapat rahmat dari Allah berpanjangan sehingga ke akhir hayat kita. We are planing for Eid gathering, and hopefully you all will give continuous support.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mengapai Fitrah Ramadhan


InsyaAllah kita akan bertemu semula dengan Ramadhan. Bulan yang penuh dengan keberkatan, and peluang keemasan yang paling istimewa untuk ummat Islam. Bagaimanakan keadaan seorang muslim yg baik terhadap kedatangan bulan ini? Ramadhan, kehadirannya umpama rasa seorang pencinta kepada yang dicintai. Rindu akan kehadiran.. dambakan pertemuan... Semoga Allah memasukkan kita ke dalam golongan yang sentiasa merindui kehadiran Ramadhan.

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan. Semoga Allah meredhai & merahmati perjuangan kita di bulan Ramadhan. Amin

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Program Ukhwah Perdana

Semoga kita sentiasa dibawah lindungan Allah.

InsyaAllah Alumni Sabah akan bekerjasama dgn Badan Kebajikan Islam TM Sabah (BAKIT), Abim Ranau, JHEISN Ranau & IKM Sabah untuk program Ramadhan bersama anak-anak yatim Rumah Putera Harapan (RPH) Ranau, dan bersama para muallaf di Kg. Langsat, Kg Tompius, Kg Tinutian dan Kg Moringin Ranau. Program yang bakal dibuat merupakan program susulan agar sumbagan yang diperlukan dapat disalurkan.

Kita merasakan tanggungjawab untuk bersama membantu golongan ini mengikut keupayaan yang kita ada, insyaAllah. Kepada yg ingin menyumbang tenaga, wang atau masa bolehlah bersama untuk menjadikan program ini berjaya.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Improving our blog

Assalamualauikum. Our blog is only 2 months old, yet we get overwhelming respond & support from the alumni members. Let's make it useful, informative & valuable by enhancing what the blog is currently offering. Do share your ideas with us..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

English & Dakwah Camp


MISI of IIUM is organizing the above program from 3rd July till 5th July at SMKA Limauan, Kimanis, Papar. The program focuses on motivation & English improvement skills for the students. Few of the alumni members came to the program to support, and share an hour with the students & committees. Our presence were very much appreciated by the juniors.

On behalf of the alumni, we thank all members who had donated & support the program. Congratulation to MISI for their continuous efforts contributing to the society.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sabah Chapter Online Forum

To ensure we are communicating effectively, regardless of time & space, we are announcing our new online forum called IIUMSabah1voice.
Please click & register:
It's advisable to use your own real name. Please use the forum positively. The administrator will give approval upon joining the forum.
Thank you

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Alumni member Database

Dear all, if you are still new to this blog, and have not receive any sms from us, please do so by simply registration;

Type IIUM -YourName- send to 088299370.

If you are using Maxis or Digi, It is advisable to email us your details, including handphone no.

You will received valuable information from 'IIUMSabah 1-Voice system' withhout any extra charge!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Get free Alumni souvenir !

For those who could not attend the recent program, get your share while stock last. You can get from bro. Juliano 012-8437027 or 088-226007. Salam

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Share you blog with us

Dear all, blogging & photography is a becoming a way of life. Its personal touch could last for generation when stored thru the internet. Share with us your personal blog. InsyaAllah it will inspire others, spreading knowledge, and strenghten our relationship for the goodness of our alumni.

Send your link to or

Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's Official! Sabah is the first IIUM Alumni Chapter in Malaysia!

Alhamdulillah. Finallly, we managed to organize the Launching of Alumni UIAM Sabah Chapter!. It's something that has long been delayed, and its success recognized by the Director of Alumni & Career Services Division IIUM. We thanks all that had made this program a reality, those who crossed the China sea, took hours journey, and squeezed their time to support the program. For the committees, words can only describe recognition, but your efforts weighted more. 

This program is for us all! InsyaAllah we will share you pictures & video during the program for ours to keep. 
Sincerely yours

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Banners are Up!

Watch out for our banners! Hopefully every single person of IIUM graduates would get the message. It's important to tell others who might be out of our radar, be it a Sabahan or non-Sabahan. So, let't make this event big.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Your contributions needed!

donate, sponsor or 
buy our advertising space in our 'Buku Cenderahati' @ RM200/block
We want to make our gathering more valuable!
Call moch @ 0138857696

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Click here for our survey!

Support our online survey. just Click here
We want to know you better..

Tentative Program

31st May 2009 (Sunday)

08.30 a.m             Pendaftaran

08.45 a.m             Ketibaan Tetamu Kehormat

09.00 a.m             Bacaan Doa

09.05 a.m             Ucapan alu-aluan dari pihak Penganjur

09.15 a.m             Special Talk on "Islamaphobia" oleh Y.Brs. Prof Dr. Sidek Baba, Education Unit, Penenang Anugerah Perdana Maulidur Rasul 2009 Peringkat Kebangsaan

10.45 a.m             Sesi Soal Jawab

11.15 a.m             Taklimat  Mengenai  Alumni IIUM Chapter oleh Assc. Professor Dr. Nor Faridah Abd. Manaf, Director, Alumni & Career Services Division IIUM

11.45 a.m             Pelancaran Alumni IIUM Sabah Chapter

12.00 tghri            Sesi bergambar

12.30 p.m             Makan Tengahari & Solat Zohor

01.30 p.m             Sessi Khas graduan IIUM Sabah

03.00 p.m             Bersurai

Promosi makin hebat!

Our first newspaper snippets on The Borneo Post, May 16, Page A8.  InsyaAllah, formal advertisement in major local newspaper will be out next week. And look out for our banner outside masjid Negeri & Masjid Bandaraya Next Week!!

For friends outside KK, please inform other members. Let the words spread..


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Share your memories with us

We all have some great momories while studying @ IIUM. Share them with us! Be it in writings or memorable photos. Just email them to 
Your contribution could probable make someone else feel good.

Sirih Pulang ke Gagang, Pinang Pulang ke Tampuk


Atas semangat ukhwah, rakan-rakan yang bertugas di jauh tanah semenanjung bakal hadir dalam program ini. Mereka bersedia merempuh lautan luas agar dapat bersama memberi sinar baru dalam ikatan persahabatan atas nama Alumni UIAM Sabah Chapter. Tidak kurang juga yang berada di perut bumi Sabah, rakan-rakan dari Tawau, Kudat, Sandakan dan beberapa tempat lagi bakal menghadiri majlis yang gilang gemilang ini. Mari kita raikan bersama.." The Biggest Gathering Ever"
Life ends when you stop dreaming
Hope ends when you stop believing
Love ends when you stop caring
Friendship ends you stop sharing



Salam kepada semua sahabat,

Kerisuan melanda. Makanan di booking 250 orang pada asalnya... Risau dengan jumlah yang baru confirm utk hadir ke majlis kita pada 31 Mei 2009 ni. Jadi, semalam saya berbincang dengan Mochtar @ Moch untuk kita kurangkan jumlah tempahan ke 150 orang. Ye lah, takut tak tercapai. 

Kita optimistik dengan jumlah yang akan hadir. Cuma, ada baiknya untuk kita ambil langkah berjaga-jaga. Oleh itu kawan-kawan sekalian, kita gempur agar jumlah yang hadir akan bertambah. Dan, tempahan akan ditambah semula menjadi 250 seminggu sebelum event.

Tolong ye.... Merayu ni... Uwaaaaa


Wednesday, May 6, 2009



Kepada semua Brothers dan Sisters ex-UIA yang berada di Sabah, di sini disampaikan berita paling hebat untuk kita semua. Satu pertemuan Ramah Mesra Bekas Pelajar UIA (Sabah) dan Soft Launching Alumni UIAM Sabah Chapter akan diadakan berdasarkan maklumat berikut:

Tarikh: 31 Mei 2009
Masa: 8.30 pagi - 3.00 petang
Tempat: Dewan Sri Kinabalu, Kompleks Tabung Haji, Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Anjuran Bersama: Unit Alumni & Career Services Division IIUM dan
Protem Komiti ALumni UIA Sabah Chapter

Sila sahkan kehadiran anda melalui SMS secepat mungkin selewat-lewatnya 28 Mei 2009 kepada:

1. Mochtar Lakura @ Moch 013-8857696 / 088-780708
2. Norhasdi Bin Hassan @ Boi 019-8615047
3. Juliano Bin Salamat 088-226007
4. Ismail Bin Badri @ Ben 013-8602423 / 013-8502423

Daftarkan diri anda dalam
IIUMSabah 1-Voice System & dapatkan maklumat terkini di handphone anda (Tiada bayaran)! sms IIUM <Nama> hantar ke 088299370 sekarang!

Perlukan penginapan? . Hubungi Kompleks Tabung Haji untuk tempahan bilik.
Kompleks Tabung Haji Sabah, Jalan Sembulan,
Peti Surat 12908, 88832 Kota Kinabalu
Tel : 088 - 258 906 / 244 893
Fax : 088 - 221 758